用在某些表示海洋、河流、群岛、山脉、沙漠、地区等专有名称以及本身为复数形 ... the East/West End伦敦东/西区 the East/West Indies东/西印度群岛 the North/South Pole北/南极 ...
Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli) is a two-three foot perennial bush with purple flowers, a member of the mint family native to the East and West Indies.
广藿香 (Pogostemon patchouli[注])是一种带有两到三英尺高的紫花灌木,属于产自东西印度群岛的薄荷家族中的一员。
In the late eighteenth century, battles raged in almost every corner of Europe, as well as in the Middle East, south Africa ,the West Indies, and Latin America.
Later when Columbus' mistake was discovered, Spain renamed them the West Indies, to distinguish them from the Spice Islands (the East Indies), which is in the Pacific Ocean and we now call Indonesia.