...外部环境 [gap=1912]orate social responsibility accounting; system; basic theory issues; accounting; the external environment ...
...三、 环境 the environment 1、 外部环境的定义 defining the external environment (1)外部环境(the external environment):指对组织绩效起着潜在影响的外部机构或力量, 分为一般环境和具体环境。
Link to the external environment 同外部环境保持密切联系
Affected by the external environment 受外界环境影响
marketing and the external environment 市场与外部环境
improve the external environment 改善外部环境
optimize the external environment 优化外部环境
Analysis of the external environment 外部环境分析
analysis on the external environment 外部环境分析
The External Business Environment 企业外在环境 ; 外在业务环境
Seventh chapter is the third tier of newspaper industry research, and studies the external environment problem for newspaper industry development.
参考来源 - 中国报业产业价值创造能力研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Within this framework, Kennedy has been able to portray African American minds and souls liberated from their connections to the external environment.
And the way of resolving internal conflicts is by organizing the external environment.
The Sensing and Actuating layer consists of components that sense and act upon the external environment.
So, these are all involved with our ability to maintain homeostasis by exchanging materials with the external environment.
The respiratory system, for example, the renal system, the digestive system, these are examples - three examples of organ systems that contact the external environment.
We've talked about the interesting way in which the digestive system contacts the external environment.