It was the custom, on the first day at work, for apprentices to invite all their workmates for drinks.
One of the best things I did when I decided to simplify my life was to simplify my workday — first at my day job and later, by quitting my day job, in the work I do now as a writer and entrepreneur.
当我决定要简化我的生活时,我做过的最好的一件事就是简化了我的工作量。 首先我简化了我白天的工作,随后我辞去了这份作家和企业家的工作。
And the next day, at the first possible moment - as soon as you walk into work, or when the office opens, or whenever - just do it.
第二天,在第一时间- - -一进入办公室,或者办公室的门一开,或者无论何时- - -马上开始做。