...是上岸的时刻提醒过错的话就是帐号及暗码被点窜过,点窜过的话要登 The Freddie mercury Tribute Concert(纪念皇后乐队主唱演唱会) 永久的皇后,永久的Freddie 【Xmusick】恶搞 Kanye West vs Freddie Mercury 【Xmusick】恶搞 Kanye West vs Freddie Mercury..
abstract:The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness was an open-air concert held on Easter Monday, 20 April 1992 at London's Wembley Stadium, for an audience of 72,000.1991: Giant of rock dies BBC News.
Thesymbolfirstcame toEurope on EasterMondayin 1992, whenmore than 100.000 redRibbonsweredistributed during theFreddie MercuryAIDSAwarenesstributeConcert atLondon's Wembleystadium.