...起来其时大家包孕传译还在车上群情,是否卫星导航体系出疑难题目了——2005.2.16),到国际教诲研究所与自由论坛(The Freedom Forum)的媒体参谋Gene Mater和国际记者中间(International Center for Journalists)的卖力人Robert Tinsley两位先生举行关于新闻自由的...
As the network has the freedom forum, hiding and interactive features such as communication, so it appears to be from a lot of people of all ages.
"I'm not sure if it's good to have freedom or not," Chan said at the Boao Forum.
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, last month, Aso brought up the concept of an "Arc of Freedom and Prosperity", which has drawn strong criticism from Chinese experts, Cai said.