美国西南部原住民之声 Ah Nee Mah《大轮回》(The Grand Circle),其它汽车影音产品,天翼手机,天翼新闻,天翼资讯,中国电信天翼,天翼3g手机,天翼手机报价,天翼视讯,天翼手机大全,天翼无线上网卡,天...
Following the grand entry, both participants and spectators were invited to join the dance circle for an intertribal dance.
From the earliest days of the single market, EU leaders have attempted to square this circle by presenting the project as a grand bargain.
At Grand Circle, a Boston-based travel company, evaluation of the group begins even before the interview starts, as the firm's receptionist observes the behavior of candidates waiting in the lobby.
有些公司对小组的评估甚至在面试之前便已经开始,比如位于美国波士顿的环游旅行公司(Grand Circle)。 公司的接待员会观察求职者在大厅等待面试时的行为。