...为某些人的反对而停止,1928 年 7 月,华纳兄弟公司再次推出了电影史上第一部全部有声片《纽约之光》(The Lights of New York)。该片既有音响效果和插曲,又第一次录上了人物对话,用的还是美国口音。
Two hours later the freighter put out to sea and from his cabin Michael could see the lights of New York City burning like the fires of hell.
两小时之后,货轮启航了,迈克尔从船舱里可以看到纽约市的灯火恰似地狱里的鬼火那样燃烧着。 他感到大大地轻松了。
We are committed to earning the trust of the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and becoming the best partner possible, so that we can raise the torch over the lights of New York City.
The bright gold lights of New York City and its surrounding suburbs stand out in this nighttime photograph from the International Space Station.