...良—没有质量缺陷 “零”事故—没有安全事故 11 精 益 工 厂建 立 与 管 理 精益生产原理 通向完美之路(The Road To Perfection) 认识并识别浪费 有勇气称之为 浪费 渴望消除浪费 采取行动,彻底消除浪费 12 6 精 益 工 厂建 立 与 管 理 精益生产原理 精益工...
Admitting that also this is not the most urgent issue in type design, it's another obstacle on the road to perfection!
The software teams have great talent and a clear road map, and Jobs' attention to detail and passion for perfection permeate Apple's culture from top to bottom.