英国摇滚乐队 The Rolling Stone (滚石乐队) 滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)是音乐史上最杰出 的乐队之一,流行乐史上 最重要的乐队之一,摇滚 史上最有影响的乐队之一, 现场...
...望能邀请到名乐评人Jim Henke来为他们撰写这本回忆录,因为Jim可说是他们的伯乐,他在八0年代还是滚石杂志(The Rolling Stone)编辑时期,就积极向主管争取让当时在美国藉藉无名的U2登上杂志封面,并撰写专文介绍这支来自爱尔兰的队伍,将U2引介给美国大众,...
The Rolling Stone Interviews 副标题
The Rolling Stone Illustrated History 滚石涂诳诘摇滚乐史 ; 滚石图说摇滚乐史
The rolling stone Magazine 滚石杂志
There 's the Rolling Stone at the concert.
He describes the Rolling Stone article as a mistake which, in his words, reflects poor judgment.
Rolling Stone has long been one of the foremost publications regarding music and media.
《滚石》长期以来一直是音乐和媒体领域首屈一指的初版物。 《滚石》和
The statement describes the Rolling Stone article as "unfortunate", but adds - "it is just an article."
VOA: standard.2010.06.22
General McChrystal lost his job over comments made to and in the presence of a reporter from Rolling Stone magazine.
VOA: special.2010.06.26
But in the nineteen sixties, the expression rolling stone became famous in the world of rock-and-roll music.
VOA: special.2010.10.17