·最新话题作文一百篇3 英语作文:天空里的星星(The Stars in the Sky),作文,小学生作文,中考作文,高考作文,优秀作文,满分作文,议论文,英语作文,话题作文,作文素材,记叙文,散文,读后感,诗歌...
He stood there contemplating the stars in the sky.
He showed her the stars in the sky and explained that they circled the Earth, along with the Sun.
On a summer evening, I would lie on the ground near a pond and try to count the stars in the sky.
Now they are stars in the sky, so they meet each other in lunar months,seventh in July, each year once.
VOA: special.2010.02.08
Sweet,peaceful stars filled the sky as the night birds sang softly, and tiny insects buzzed in the soft air.
VOA: special.2009.12.12
The small lights make up the exact pattern of stars in the sky on the day the park opened in two thousand one.
VOA: special.2009.05.06