两个人相爱是很不容易的 » Two people are in love is very difficult 时间改变一切 » The time changes all 为衡阳项目办公室加班回家的士费 » Hengyang Project Office for the taxi to go home to work overtime costs ..
Such changes are all but invisible over the short time scale of modern observations, and, it is argued, they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in the imperfect fossil record.
When the rule changes over time, all parts of the system that reference the rule will also be changed.
But art changes all the time, according to what's going on around it.
Every time they're changing your hand is going down so chord changes may be the most powerful of all of these aspects of where the down beat is.
everything changes all the time.
That - irreversible changes happen all the time too but here I'm talking about very subtle small changes where you're changing the structure of the protein but only a little bit such that it can go back.