...的意思是說建筑除了实用、艺术美感之外,更重要的是检 视一栋建筑物是否成功亦或好坏,还必须检视它是否满足 了使用者(the user)的需求、是否解决了他们在居住上的 问题。 • 华夏技术学院建筑系-hkl 18 • 从前一个角度看, 建筑是务实的、是具有机能性的。
Optimization at the user Level 在使用者层面做优化 ; 面做最佳化 ; 使用者层面做优化
The user management 用户管理
Maintain the User List 维护用户列表
instructions to the user 用户使用说明
the user-pays principle 用者自付原则
the user group 使用者
The user interface 用户界面 ; 户界面
The User Authentication Protocol 户认证协议
Efficiency of the User 用户的效率
The user-friendly design’s landscape not only need bring conveniently to the life, more importantly, causes between the user and the landscape relations are more harmonious.
参考来源 - 居住区农业景观设计研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The goal of a GUI is to present the user with as few decision points as possible.
All of these are transparent to the user.
This column should be hidden from the user.
The company says it is simply keeping a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell phone towers near the user's location.
VOA: special.2011.05.02
So I put my head down and focused on operation technology, focused on the user's experience, and I delivered.
Let me make sure that the user annotations are disabled this time and let's take a little look at this one here.