...女友和他又在一起了 » Later strong Zheng Yu's ex-girlfriend and he together 知行理论研究会 » Theory of knowledge and will 苹果产品对男性客户更具有吸引力 » apple products are more attractive to male clients ..
The epoch of knowledge economy will bring great reforms to accounting theory and practice, and bring to challenges to traditional financial reports.
We try to make creative transformation of philosophical knowledge in order to bring it to success that state of spirit and ideation of theory will be advanced.
哲学讨论课试图实现哲学知识的“创造性转化” ,以期更好地完成哲学教育的使命即提高精神境界和理论思维能力。
Here in the paper the nucleus of knowledge theory, the mechanism of knowledge creation and that of intelligence production, will be presented.