1990年Brad Cox的一篇非常出色的论文《这就是银弹》(There Is a Silver Bullet),有说服力地指出重用和交互的构件开发是解决软件根本困难的一种方法8。我由衷地表示赞同。
There is still a long way to go -- ultimately, new technologies can only be part of the solution, not a silver bullet.
前途漫长。 新技术最终仅能是办法的一部分,而不是解决全部问题的银弹”。
There is no silver bullet to a problem like build slowness; and implementing a coherent, comprehensive, and integrated change management process is not easily undertaken.
It's a lot of hard — but happily, mostly interesting — work, and there is seldom, if ever, any single big silver bullet.