与罗伟杰不同的是,她精通五种乐器,最爱的是在新加坡少见的俄罗斯电子乐器泰勒明(Theremin),并且也是一支由五人组成的日本洛克乐团(J-Rock Band)的主音。
... By all means 一定 Theremin 泰勒明电子琴(世界上第一台电子乐器而且无须去用手弹。谢同学的小玩具) Uncalled for 没理由的 ...
Leon Theremin 特雷门 ; 希瑞明 ; 泰勒明
The Art of the Theremin 泰勒明的艺术 ; 唱片名
Léon Theremin 特雷门
Theremin Ep 唱片名
Theremin Mini Kit 迷你特雷门乐器
以上来源于: WordNet
N an electronic musical instrument, played by moving the hands through electromagnetic fields created by two metal rods 特雷门电子琴
Imagine having a personal theremin right on your device that you control by tilting it!
So we had a very natural performance of us moving our hands three-dimensionally around the Theremin in real time to manipulate pitch and volume, to create a really synthetic electronic sound.