...同部位和不同生长阶段,选用不 同类型的激光,利用它所引起的物理的、化学的、机械的因子变化,进行热凝固 (Thermocoagulation)、汽化切割,以及光动力治疗(PhotodynamicTherapyPDT)等一系 列相应的方法,给予根治性治疗或姑息治疗(PalliativeTreatment...
radiofrequency thermocoagulation 射频热凝术 ; 射频热凝 ; 射频温控热凝术 ; 患者随机分为射频热凝
acid thermocoagulation 酸性热凝固法
percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation 经皮射频热凝术 ; 和半月节射频热凝术 ; 术 ; 射频热凝毁损术
Minimally invasive thermocoagulation 微创热凝术
Percutaneous radiotrequency thermocoagulation 经皮射频热凝术
Target ablation with radiofrequency thermocoagulation 靶点射频热凝
radiofrequency thermocoagulation for gasserian ganglion 半月神经节经皮射频热凝治疗 ; 三叉神经半月节射频热凝固术
RF thermocoagulation 射频热凝固
以上来源于: WordNet
Objective To study the results of in situ microwave thermocoagulation therapy for liver neoplasms.
Seizure control:Acute focal epilepsy could be effectively controlled when the thermocoagulation power and duration is 4U/1S.
癫痫控制情况:在4U/ 1S组的热凝,能有效地控制急性局灶性癫痫。
Conclusion: cortex thermocoagulation with appropriate power may destroy the tangential cortical fiber, and reserve the function of the cortex.