...在中国人们不是这样打招呼 » This is not the Chinese people say hello 这是解决问题的办法 » This is the problem-solving way 爱情就像暖暖包,开始温暖,后来变冷,想要长期暖和不得不换一个。
It is questionable whether this is a good way of solving the problem.
This is useful from a problem-solving perspective because it allows you to mix styles, solving individual problems in the most effective way.
You can use the provided identtransform. XSL style sheet to perform these transformations, but this shortened version is shown as another way of solving the same problem.
你可以使用已经提供的identtransform . xsl样式表来执行这些转化,但是显示的这个较短的版本是用来解决相同问题的另外一种方法。