...吊杆索力监测及分析_建筑施工论文 关键词:系杆拱桥;吊杆;钢护筒;索力监测;静载试验 [gap=1318]Keywords: tied-arch Bridge; suspender; steel protection tube; stress monitor; loading test ..
tied arch bridge 拱桥 ; 系杆拱
CFST tied arch bridge 钢管混凝土系杆拱桥
through tied-arch bridge 下承式系杆拱桥
leaned tied arch bridge 斜靠式系杆拱桥
tied- arch bridge 系杆拱桥
deck tied arch bridge 桥面系杆拱桥
frame tied arch bridge 刚架系杆拱
model tied-arch bridge 下承式系杆拱桥
A through tied-arch bridge is a type of built-up arch structure, characterized by the horizontal thrust of arch end being balanced by its ties.
Tied arch bridge, not only has a concinnity outline, but also is fit for buildings in the watery region and cities on the soft clay ground.
Self balanced steel pipe concrete tied arch bridge finds favor in bridge engineers' eyes because of its good performance with external loads as well as its new and beautiful structural style.