...mwork )﹢管理者是团队的缔造者(The Manager is a Team Builder)人才与压力管理类培训﹢时间管理培训(Time Management Training)沟通与..
... ﹢管理者是团队的缔造者(The Manager is a Team Builder) ﹢ 时间 管理培训(Time Management Training) ﹢有效沟通(Effective communication) ...
time management training strategy 时间管理培训对策
Learning management systems have become more sophisticated over time to meet not only the physical and Web-based training delivery needs, but also to meet the planning and procedural activities.
There was a time when the idea of "Hamburger U, " McDonald's training facility, used to elicit titters, but to Skinner, who didn't graduate from college or earn an MBA, management training is no joke.
“汉堡大学”(Hamburger U,麦当劳的培训机构)的理念曾经一度遭人耻笑,人们并不把它放在眼里,但对于斯金纳这种既没有大学文凭,也没有MBA学位的人而言,管理培训绝非儿戏。
At the same time, he has little or no formal training in management.