... 参考系、坐标系和时间 2010年10月8日 8:00-9:50 第一章 物理学和力学 32 Origin t 1 t 2 duration t 时间坐标(Time coordinate) 定量地描述物理过程是什么时间发生的.
universal time coordinate 标准时间配置
time coordinate network 时标网络图
imaginary time coordinate 虚时间坐标
UTC Universal Time Coordinate 标准时间配置
no time-coordinate network 非时标网络计划
time coordinate system 定时坐标系统
fixed-time coordinate control system 固定配时协调控制系统
time coordinate contract 时间轴坐标压缩
schedule with time coordinate 带时间坐标网络计划
This is my favorite space-time coordinate.
According to the concept of relative time coordinate system, a new exponent model and its grade predicting method are proposed.
By this mapping method, the real time coordinate conversion and processing of the echo signal become possible to perform for an ordinary PC.
MIT has undertaken a variety of experiments in Educational technology. But we really feel at this Point of time we need some sort of coordinate strategy.
At that time t, the x coordinate must have a certain value.
在该时刻,x 坐标一定是个确定的值