... time of transfer to another track 转线时间 time of validity 有效期 time of winding-up 结束作业时间 ...
ATTENTION1: • • • ATTENTION2 OFFER (二)发盘的有效期(Time of validity): 是指可供受盘人对发盘作出接受的时间或者期限.
time of validity of claim 索赔有效期间
Manage the time of validity 管理有效性的时间
time validity of legal norms 法律规范的时间效力
time validity of tax law 税法的时间效力
The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a period of two year counting from the date of loss.
Client's order shall be valid in accordance with the type and time of the given order, as specified if the time of validity of the order is not specified, it shall be valid for an indefinite period.
Spend time making sure you ask the right questions, and consider the issues of reliability and validity.