...( 编辑):一、Language Setting语言设定:二、OSD Setting(屏幕显示):三、Output Setting输出设顶):四、Time Setting(时间设定):五、Lock Control(父母锁):Tools(工具):一、Information(资讯):显示机器的型号,软件版本等二、SignalLevel(信号):该三、Fac...
time format(时间格式) time setting(时间设置) automatic(自动): 如果您要在 archos 设备连接到 wifi 网络时自动设置 时钟,则选择该参数。
... time setting range of relay 继电器时限整定范围 time setting 时间整定 time sharing service 分时电信业务 ...
time setting什么意思_有道词典 ... time lever setting 时杆设定 Time,setting 凝结时间 time of setting 凝结时间 ; 凝聚时间 ...
Run-Time Setting 运行设置 ; 运行时设置
variable time-setting relay 可调时间继电器
Ring time setting 铃声时间 ; 持续响铃时间长短设定 ; 铃声时间设定
Ring time setting- 铃声时间
one time setting 一次设定 ; 一时间设定 ; 一种时间设置
Alarm time setting 报警时间设定 ; 警报时间设定 ; 报警时间设置 ; 闹铃时间设定
time setting range of relay 继电器时限整定范围
setting time [物] 凝结时间 ; 硬化时间 ; [树脂] [胶粘] 凝固时间
ramp time setting 斜升时间调定
The goal of this article is to save JSP developers time setting up Eclipse to work with Tomcat.
Usually people spend a ton of time setting out sponsor levels, making a brochure and all that stuff about what a sponsor gets for their money.
For this purpose, WHO USES a standard licensing agreement, adaptable to specific circumstances, that permits translation and publishing of WHO texts, while at the same time setting certain conditions.
Miller examined this difficult period in American history by setting his play at another difficult time.
VOA: special.2009.11.29
We used iterative deletion in a relatively abstract setting, or not abstract, rather a play setting last time in which were choosing numbers.
The work is not, in a sense, written simply as a sort of timeless philosophical treatise, but as a dramatic dialogue with a setting, a cast of characters and a firm location in time and place.