...,而使用到音乐中的音(不含音),一般只限于每秒振动27-4100次的范围内音的高低强弱长短音色取决于物体的振动。 音色(Tone-color) 指音的感觉特性发音体的振动是由多种谐音组成的,包括基音和泛音,音色是由泛音的多少及泛音之间的相对强度决定的人们区分音色的...
Tone Color 声音色彩 ; 音品 ; 声响颜色 ; 音色
Two-Tone Color Fish Ball Soup 双色鱼丸汤 ; 单色鱼丸汤
color tone 色调 ; 色花 ; 色光 ; 色彩
Three Tone Color 三色系列
Tone Color and Detail 调节颜色和细部
Mezzo-soprano is a special voice part which can show the rich, beautiful, pure and changeable tone-color and timber.
参考来源 - 女中音的声部确定及其声区统一训练·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Once you've gotten an idea of how color and tone affects your website, use it to your advantage.
If the informal restaurant is located in the kitchen or for the kitchen, you might consider using a single tone color scheme, or with the color of the kitchen with them.
When the shape is complete fill the inner area with a nice mid tone color (soft brown) and maybe use a light color to bring out some highlights.