Key words:Total energy system Thermal cycle System integration 0 前言 * 总能系统(Total energy system)是一种根据工程 热力学原理,提高能源利用水平的概念或方法,及 其相应的能量系统。
... multi-duplicated samples 重复样本 total energy system 全能量系统 total energy system 燃气轮机总能系统 ...
generalized total energy system 广义总能系统
gas turbine total energy system 燃气轮机总能系统
total stored energy of system 总能量
total energy source system 全能系统
total energy control system 总能量控制系统
Based on total energy system, the paper discusses the energy-saving conditions of the total energy system of CHP.
The analysis of total energy system based on electricity and discusses the energy saving condition of combined heat and power by starting the critical heat power ratio of it.
On the basis of the integration idea of total energy system, this paper analyzes the essential characteristics of distributed energy system(DES) as follows: DES is essentially total energy system;
基于总能系统集成思想和方法,本文阐述了分布式能量系统的主要特点和本质特征本质上是总能系统; 高度集成性,具有提高效率的最大潜力;
The total energy of the system, which we are going to get from postulate number four, which says the energy of the electron, which is the energy of the system, is the sum of the kinetic and the potential energy.