...i中回收台湾厂商群创光电的触控面板,三星则不会得到这一订单, 群创光电出产的触控面板估量将回收屏幕上触控(touch-on-display)技能, 本周早些时候, 台湾DigiTimes网站援引韩国媒体的说法称。
Those surfaces would be on top of the touch-screen display, " says Sheehan, so this could help users position their fingers by feel.
这些表面会被运用到触屏显示器之上。” 这一技术可以帮助用户靠触感定位手指。
All the details that make a Nook a Nook are here: the same soft-touch, grippy plastic, a vibrant 7-inch display and an identical tchotchke hook on the bottom left side.
With a 12.1-inch multi-touch display, the oversized ASUS Eee Slate runs on Windows 7 and has a 2-megapixel camera on the front that supports video chat.
有着12.1英寸的显示屏,超大型的华硕Eee Slate运行Win7操作系统,拥有一个200万像素的摄像头。 支持视屏聊天。