[ 复数 traipses 第三人称单数 traipses 现在分词 traipsing 过去式 traipsed 过去分词 traipsed ]
... 年轻人容易盲目崇拜体育圈和娱乐圈迷人的明星。(make a fetish of) 他们一路闲逛,漫步来到市中心区域观看庆祝国庆的烟花燃放。(traipse) 他没有犯什么大错或大罪,不该受到如此严厉的惩罚。(deserve) ...
V-I If you traipse somewhere, you go there unwillingly, often because you are tired or unhappy. 不情愿地去
If traipsing around shops does not appeal to you, perhaps using a catalogue will.
V-I If you talk about people traipsing somewhere, you mean that they are going there or moving around in a way that annoys someone or gets in their way. 干扰 [表不满]
You will have to get used to a lot of people traipsing in and out of your home.
000 visitors traipse through each year.
A better tip still is to get off your bottom and strut (or even traipse) around the office.
(traipse) They traipsed all the way to the downtown area to watch the National Day fireworks display.