...筑世家 1-7-11 更多 资料简介 编辑评价 传递矩阵法在钢斜拉桥结构计算中的应用 传递矩阵法(transfer matrix method,TMM)是由Lrie等在2O世纪70年代提出的一种结构分析方法,其基本思想是把一个整体结构的力学分析问题转化...
1.2.1传输矩阵法 传输矩阵方法(Transfer Matrix Method,TMM)1114,llS]基本思路是:首先将有限 系统分成若干薄层,然后把Maxwell方程组转变成矩阵形式...
a transfer matrix method 转移矩阵方法
the transfer matrix method 传递矩阵方法
TIM transfer matrix method 有限元
Using Transfer Matrix Method 利用传输矩阵方法
whole transfer matrix method 整体传递矩阵法
exact transfer matrix method 整体传递矩阵
precise transfer matrix method 精细传递矩阵法
Riccati transfer matrix method Riccati传递矩阵法
The "chirped" function is induced to the one dimensional photonic crystals containing negative index media. The transmission spectrum of this type photonic crystal is investigated using the transfer matrix method.
参考来源 - 含负折射率材料的一维“啁啾”光子晶体的透射谱Based on the solution about sound insulation capacity of LDSP, with transfer matrix method, the article put forward the assumption mat LDSP is composed of rectangle plate which all boundaries are been fixed.
实现对加筋阻尼复合板的隔声罩进行了噪声预报。 本文在迁移矩阵法求解复合阻尼板隔声量的基础上,成功引入了纵横加筋阻尼复合板是由若干个四边固支矩形板格组成的假设。
参考来源 - 阻尼复合加筋板隔声罩的隔声性能研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The transfer matrix method and the truncation technique are employed.
The calculated result is consistent with that by finite element method and transfer matrix method.
The strength is calculated by the transfer matrix method and stability is computed by spline energy method.