山东经济学院 货币银行学 17 第二节 货币市场 七、国库券市场(treasury bills market) (一)国库券发行市场 国库券市场即短期国债(1年期以下)的发行和流通市场, 是利率最低、风险最小、流动性最强的市场。
But if investors demanded their money back at a time when Treasury bills were illiquid, money-market funds might be forced to suspend resumptions or "break the buck".
Money market funds typically hold a mix of short-term corporate bonds, Treasury bills, and other high-quality debt.
The extra return that the overall stock market or a particular stock must provide over the treasury bills to offset the market risks for the investors.
What they did instead of just-remember the Federal Funds Rate is a target interest rate that the Fed attempts to hit through buying and selling treasury bills in the U.S. or in other countries buying and selling government bonds to affect the market.