treaty port 条约口岸 ; 条约港 ; [水运] 通商口岸
treaty port system 条约口岸
non treaty port 非条约口岸
non-treaty port 自开商埠
the treaty port network 通商口岸体系
treaty port detail 通商港口
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in China, Japan, and Korea during the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century) a city, esp a port, in which foreigners, esp Westerners, were allowed by treaty to conduct trade (在19世纪后半叶至20世纪前半叶的东亚)通商口岸
Within Shanghai itself, moreover, the World's Fair Effect is not limited to treaty-port remnants.
Unlike the treaty port and concession cities like Wuhan and Shanghai, those "old" cities valued the old tradition, and old tradition can even been expressed by trifles like dining custom.
The new treaty is directed at countries where fishing ships enter port. The aim is to get the countries to identify, report and deny entry to offending vessels.