...经常去上海玩 » Oh, Shanghai is pretty good in high school I often read 3 years went to Shanghai to play 战栗 » Trembling 一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。
... [解析]第 45 小题 根据常识,当一个人初次走上舞台进行表演的时候,他的心里一定是很紧张的,必然导 致身体的颤抖(Trembling),这种情况符合人之常情。其它几个词均不能描述出此时此刻人的状态。
Trembling Towers 摇摆积木 ; 扭捏积木
Fear and Trembling 艾蜜莉的日本头家 ; 新爱美丽闯东瀛 ; 恐惧与颤栗 ; 恐惧与战栗
Trembling tottering 颤颤巍巍
Trembling Before G-d 同性恋的战栗 ; 神像下的爱人同志 ; 在神前战栗
in fear and trembling 提心吊胆 ; 非常恐惧 ; 在恐惧和颤抖 ; 惊恐战栗
trembling bell 电铃 ; 震颤式电铃 ; 振动电铃
Trembling Hands 战栗之手 ; 努震双臂 ; 颤抖的双手 ; 手颤
Trembling shivering 震颤 ; 颤抖
trembling aspen 颤杨 ; 美国山杨
V-I If you tremble, you shake slightly because you are frightened or cold. 颤抖
His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began to tremble all over.
Lisa was white and trembling with anger.
N-SING Tremble is also a noun. 颤抖
I will never forget the look on the patient's face, the tremble in his hand.
V-I If something trembles, it shakes slightly. (轻微地) 颤动 [文学性]
He felt the earth tremble under him.
V-I If your voice trembles, it sounds unsteady and uncertain, usually because you are upset or nervous. (声音) 发颤 [文学性]
His voice trembled, on the verge of tears.
N-SING Tremble is also a noun. (声音的) 发颤
"Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice.