triceps brachii [解剖] 肱三头肌 ; 三头肌 ; 有三个头
Musculus triceps brachii [解剖] 肱三头肌
Long head of triceps brachii 肱三头肌长头
TB triceps brachii 肱三头肌
tendon of triceps brachii 肱三头肌腱
triceps brachii muscle tendon 肱三头肌腱
enthesopathy of triceps brachii 肱三头肌末端病
Objective: To provide anatomical basis for transferring of free musculocutaneous flap and muscular nerve branches of lateral head of triceps brachii(LHT).
Rat triceps brachii muscle was acquired to separate skeletal muscle satellite cells with the two-step method of collegenase-1 and trypsin and were cultured and subcultured in vitro.