按热力学垂直分布对大气分层(热分层),可以分为以下几层: 一,对流层(Troposphere):对流层是大气的最低层,其厚度随纬度和季节而变化。在赤道附近为17-18km;在中纬度地区为l0-12km,高纬度为8-9km。
troposphere propagation 对流层传播
troposphere duct 对流层波道
troposphere scatter propagation 对流层散射传播
upper troposphere 对流层上部 ; 高对流层 ; 对流层 ; 对流层高层
oceanic troposphere [海洋] 大洋对流层 ; 海洋对流层
lower troposphere 对流层下部 ; 下对流层
Troposphere delay 对流层延迟
atmospheric chemistry of troposphere 对流层化学 ; 对流层大气化学 ; 低层大气化学
troposphere reflection 对流层反射
N the lowest atmospheric layer, about 18 kilometres (11 miles) thick at the equator to about 6 km (4 miles) at the Poles, in which air temperature decreases normally with height at about 6.5°C per km 对流层
In the troposphere, the air at higher altitudes is in general cooler than the air below it.
The mission will also observe clouds and aerosol particles in the troposphere.
When they re-enter the troposphere, they are rapidly washed out of the atmosphere by rain and snow.