Need Not Trouble Oneself With 无需费心
land oneself in deep trouble 陷入困境
trouble oneself about 是什么意思及音标
to get oneself into trouble 惹祸 ; 自找麻烦
bring trouble to oneself 罪有应得 ; 咎由自取
bring trouble on oneself 招惹是非 ; 自招麻烦 ; 自寻烦恼
lay up trouble for oneself 给自己增加麻烦
Pain is bad, the best happiness is oneself, Trouble is temporary, friends always forever, Love is the heart of the business world, nothing serious. Happy New Year!
In all this the trouble is the utter lack of knowing oneself.
Filling in when insurance application must signal a case according to the facts must not hold fluky mentality lest cause needless trouble or loss to oneself.