tube bank 管族 ; 排管 ; 管排
boiler convection tube bank 锅炉管束
evaporator tube bank 蒸发器管簇 ; 蒸发管排
in-line tube bank 顺排管束
plain tube bank 光管束
aligned tube bank 顺排管束
condenser tube bank 凝结器管排列
line tube bank 顺排管束
harp tube bank 竖琴管排
Many Britons now phone, bank, travel by Tube, fly out of an airport, run a tap or flush the toilet courtesy of Spanish enterprise.
The Angle factor for radiation to a tube bank is an important quantity in the industrial furnace design.
Under the body-fitted coordinates, a study of three-dimensional laminar flow and heat exchange characteristics of staggered round tube bank fin is carried out through finite difference method.