本文讨论的主要冻土特性是冻土层浅薄的浅层冻土,浅层冻土[浅层冻土按分类归为冰沼土(Tundra soils)]在我国主要分布在东北大部分地区,整个黑龙江省及内蒙、吉林省的北部地区。
mountain tundra soil 山地冰沼土
wet tundra soil 湿冻原土 ; 湿冰沼土
tundra gley soil 冰沼潜育土 ; 冻原潜育土 ; 冻原灰黏土
swampy tundra soil 沼泽化冰沼土 ; 沼泽化冻原土
original tundra soil 原始冰沼土
mountain n tundra soil 山地冰沼土
Tundra soil carbon is vulnerabl 全球暖化使冻土土壤碳库易受微生物快速降解影响
tundra a soil 冰沼土
forest tundra ecotone soil 森林冰沼交错群落土壤
以上来源于: WordNet
It is this thin layer of active soil that supports all living things on the tundra.
Tundra burning may also release more organic carbon, a greenhouse gas currently stored in the soil, into the atmosphere.
Ice wedges penetrate deep into frozen soil, chiseling tundra into room-size polygon-a signature texture of permafrost landscapes.