Turn Around Time 时间 ; 换向时间 ; 解题周期 ; 解题时间
turn-around-time 一贯制程所需时间
short turn around time 短时间反馈 ; 即既要做到短时间反馈 ; 它是短时间反馈 ; 即既要短时间反馈
Turn Around Time Rate 维修周期达标率 ; 年金牌服务商工作表现评估项目及标准
TAT Turn-around-Time 完成一个工作的时间或者从开始到结束一套工作的时间
zero turn around time 零周转时间
Therapeutic turn around time 治疗周转时间
turn-around time with weight 带权周转时间
In addition, reduced development cost and faster development turn-around time were achieved. The business results are summarized below.
The benefits of ETL and data warehousing can be diminished by high costs, slow turn-around time, and incomplete sets of information in data sources.
Our very quick turn-around time means that our user community is very empowered and engaged. This is why we have such thorough feedback integration within Tasktop.