... Uncharted 神秘海域 ; 海图尚未标明的 ; 秘境探险 ; 未知的 uncharted rock 未列名礁石 ; 未标明的暗礁 ; 未列于海图上之暗礁 uncharted a 地图上没标明的 ...
Uncharted Waters 大航海时代 ; 未知水域 ; 未知的水域 ; 探明的水域
Uncharted 2 神秘海域 ; 秘境探险 ; 神秘海疆
Uncharted Island 未知的岛域
Uncharted Waters IV 大航海时代 ; 威力加强版
Uncharted Golden Abyss 黄金深渊 ; 神秘海域黄金深渊 ; 神秘海域 ; 游戏名称
Uncharted 3 神秘海域 ; 秘境探险 ; 奥秘海疆
uncharted rock 未标明的暗礁 ; 未列名礁石 ; 未列于海图上之暗礁
Uncharted Strait 未知的海峡
Uncharted 4 神秘海域
ADJ If you describe a situation, experience, or activity as uncharted territory or waters, you mean that it is new or unfamiliar. (情形、经历、活动)不为人熟悉的; (地域、水域)未被探索的 [usu ADJ n]
Carter's fourth album definitely moves into uncharted territory.
We are entering into uncharted territory now, in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide.
This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent.
The ship hit an uncharted rock.