unexpended balance 未支用的结余款项 ; 未用余额
unexpended allotment 未支用分配经费 ; 未支用分配数
unexpended appropriation 未支用经费
unexpended plant funds 未支用产业基金
unexpended ordnance 未用武器弹药
unexpended balance of encumbrances 未开支的保留数
unexpended propellant 剩余推进剂
unexpended ammunition 未用的弹药
unexpended property loss 财产意外损失
She has an unexpended balance of energy.
It was unexpended youth, surging up anew after its temporary check, and bringing with it hope, and the invincible instinct towards self-delight.
There was, it might be said, the energy of her mother's unexpended family, as well as the natural energy of Tess's years, rekindled after the experience which had so overwhelmed her for the time.