CLOSE-UP P 特写 ; 特写镜头 ; 近摄
make-up p 化装 ; 扮装 ; 清扫 ; 构造
clean-up p 清洁 ; 打扫
push-up p 俯卧撑 ; 普通 ; 个别
made-up p 人工的
Paid-up p capital 实收资本 ; 已缴足资本 ; 已缴清的资本 ; 己缴股本
sit-up p 仰卧起坐
Paid-up p 已缴纳的
blow-up p 放大
Bottom-up p 由下而上
Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel's crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A & P "policy" he enforces.
她没有概括这段话,而是加上了一段话,描述了朗格尔对女孩们的乖僻反应,这样她就可以引导他执行 A&P “政策”。
The contract includes lifetime maintenance support and an option for the acquisition of up to eight additional P-81 aircraft, the official said.
该官员称,这份合同还包括全寿命维护支撑和另外8架P - 81飞机的附加选项。
The S&P 500 already is up 39% since March 9 and high-yield bonds are up 31%.