...心——以广州城中村为例 - 刘毅华 - 现代城市研究 关键词: 城中村; 文化整合; 城乡协调;[gap=802]Key words: urban-village;Cultural Integration;the coordination between urban and rural area ..
Urban village 城中村 ; 乌尔里 ; 城市村庄
Kelvin Grove Urban Village 凯文格罗夫都市村
urban village renewal 城中村改造
Urban Village Transformation 城中村改造
benefit system of urban village 城中村利益机制
growing-up urban village 成长型城中村
an urban village 城市里的村庄
Peri-urban Village 城郊型村庄
growing urban village 成长型城中村
The phenomena of urban-village is the epitome of contradictions between urban a nd rural area with the acceleration of urbanization in China.
With increasing extension of city area, original countrysides have been encircled by sprawling city, becoming village within urban area or urban-village.
Newman believes one of the best studies on how cities built for cars might be converted to rail use is The Urban Village report, which used Melbourne as an example.