user behavior pattern mining 用户行为模式挖掘
user s behavior pattern 用户行为模式
user ' s behavior pattern 用户行为模式
user s behavior pattern mining 用户行为模式挖掘
The idea is to transform the net audit data into time series database and mine the sequence pattern to extract the user behavior pattern , and then to use behavior pattern in anomaly detection.
Your default behavior is to name the users' account (and, by association, their file share and blog) using the pattern user-photos, where user is the user's login ID.
默认的行为是使用模式user - photos命名用户帐号(以及连带的文件共享和blog),其中的user是用户的登录ID。
Each user naturally forms a mental image about how the software performs its task. The mind looks for some pattern of cause and effect to gain insight into the machine's behavior.