价带(valence band): 金属中被价电子占据的能带称为价带。价带可以是满带也 可以是导带,但能量比价带低的各能带一般都是满带,满带中 的电子在满带...
virtual valence band 虚价带 ; 虚域
filled valence band 满充价电子带
valence band structure [物化] 价带结构
valence band edge [物化] 价带顶边
valence band spectrum [物化] 价带谱
valence-band 价带带阶
valence-band discontinuity 价带阶跃
valence-band offset 价带偏移
When sub-picosecond ultra-short laser pulses irradiated on materials, electrons can be excitated from valence band to conductive band by the incident laser pulse, and the electron density can reach vary high level (10211022/cm3).
参考来源 - 飞秒脉冲激光对固体材料热损伤的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N →see energy band
The bent bond states mainly appear near the top of valence band.
When an electron leaps into the conduction band, it leaves behind a hole in the valence band.
The experimental result, show an increase of both conduction and valence band tail states.