供应链模型标准 - 价值链 formance》中提出了全球供应链论坛模型。 4、价值参考模型(价值链运作参考模型) 价值链参考模型(VRM, Value Reference Model),也称作价值链运作参考模型(VCOR,Value Chain Operations Referenc
reference value model 参照值图样
In this invocation model, the client USES WS-Addressing to indicate to the service the ReplyTo endpoint reference (EPR) value to be used by the service when responding to the client's request.
在这个调用模型中,客户机使用WS - Addressing来向服务表明服务在响应客户机请求时应使用的replyto端点引用(epr)值。
Collections can either model value types (element or composite-element) or entity reference types (one-to-many or many-to-many associations).
集合可以是值类型的(元素或组合元素),也可以是实体引用类型的(one - to - many或many - to - many关联)。
In essence, the efficient model is able to provide relatively common reference value to the cases that are related to multi-tier architecture, large amount of data process and complex computation.