Virtu Castle 韩国直送 ; 舞者奢华手机壳
Lucid Virtu MVP 独集显自动切换软件 ; 独集显自动切换
Lucid Virtu 核显与独显同时使用 ; 核芯显卡切换
Tru Virtu 卡之翼
articles of virtu 艺术珍品
virtu- 好
virtu al 出现
Or Virtu 或古董
VIRTU SE 旋翘睫毛膏
同义词: vertu connoisseurship
同义词: vertu
以上来源于: WordNet
N a taste or love for curios or works of fine art; connoisseurship 对古董(或艺术品)的爱好; 鉴赏力
Still another solution may come from virtu a liza tion.
China is a nation that is proud of the virtu of filial piety.
Virtual enterprise negotiation protocol is also proposed to handle the conflict during cooperation of virtu...
Virtu That, of course, is Machiavelli's virtu, princely virtue, what you do to leave the people satisfied and stupefied.
The model of Machiavellian virtu is the Renaissance statesman, Cesare Borgia in general, Cesare Borgia.
In other words, not Lorenzo at all, but precisely princes who have or will achieve their authority through their own guile, their own force, or their own virtu, to use the famous Machiavellian term that I want to talk about later.