Sabiston, a professional programmer and engineer, got Nintendo to send him a DS software development kit which allowed him to pump out a sweet painting and animation app to make his DS bot a visual virtuoso (example pictured left).
ENGADGET: Nintendo DS bots in full force
"Sunflowers" (1888 or 1889), from Philadelphia's own collection, is a virtuoso performance in color harmony, showing a ceramic vase of perky yellow blossoms against a swirling cerulean background, but it is entirely orthodox from a compositional standpoint, as the vase sits squarely in the middle distance at eye level.
WSJ: Vincent Van Gogh Up Close | Philadelphia Museum of Art | A Matter of Perspective | By Jonathan Lopez
Never a guitar virtuoso (at least not in the commonly understood "musical" sense of the word), his playing has always been intrinsically in service to his band and its songs.
NPR: Wait, Keith Richards Is 65?