...系统网络结构 计费网络架构 IMS网元功能和接口介绍 P-CSCF(Proxy-CSCF,代理CSCF) P-CSCF网元介绍 位于拜访网络(Visited Network)中,在基于GPRS(通用分组无线业务)分组交换网络的情况下,P-CSCF通常和GGSN (GPRS网关支持节点)在一起,是IMS终端(UE)接入IMS网络...
Also, 96% of active social network users have visited their friends' pages. And these Numbers can be taken to the bank.
We can't vouch for Verizon's 3G network in parts of the country we haven't visited, but wandering around New York City, we always had three or the full four bars of service.
虽然主站编辑不敢担保在其他没去过的地方Verizon 3G网络的质量,不过在纽约市区总可保持3~4格(满格)的讯号强度。
Two-thirds of active Internet users have managed an online profile and 71.1% have visited a friend's social network page.