Viz-jun 维兹郡 ; 与威兹君
VIZ namely 即是
D Studio VIZ 的工作思路 ; 的系统要求 ; 的基本性能参数
VIZ-Stal LTD 维兹钢铁有限责任公司
pre-viz 览系统
viz branz 味驰品食
DStudioMAX VIZ 的操作界面 ; 的图形交换接口 ; 的基本操作与观念 ; 的由来与软件优势
VIZ Edit VIZ 编辑修改器
Viz Comics 维兹·考梅克斯
viz media 小学馆旗下碧日
viz. is used in written English to introduce a list of specific items or examples. 即
The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, viz. Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, viz. Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
The Course bean will have two properties defined viz.
Course bean将有两个属性,分别用于定义viz。
It also includes descriptions of representations, viz., the XML documents in this example.