...合外电报道】美国加州女子詹森(Brenda Jensen)因声带受损而失声十多年,去年十月接受全美第二宗、罕有的移植喉头(voice box)手术,近日终可重新发出久违的声音。她坦言,以前靠机器辅助发声,令她饱受嘲笑,今次手术令她重获新生。
Rensonance Voice Box 共振音箱
KITT Voice Box Speedometer 骑士里程魔音盒
reversing voice box 倒相式音箱
EH XO Voice Box 人声效果器
phase-reversing voice box 倒相式音箱
voice distress switch box 语音遇险开关箱 ; 音响呼救开关盒 ; 语音遇险开关箱音响呼救开关盒
voice distre switch box 语音遇险开关箱
N-COUNT Your voice box is the top part of the tube that leads from your throat to your lungs, that contains your vocal cords. 喉
Cancers include those of the eye, mouth, voice box and food pipe.
Another name for the larynx is the voice box, and it's in the throat.
The thyroid is a small gland located in the front of the neck just below the voice box.