【TechTarget中国原创】 语音拨号(voice dial)是一种电话功能,用户直接喊出通讯录中联系人的名字或电话号码,就可以进行呼叫。许多手机和智能电话都有语音拨号功能。
Voice Dial speech recognition app 语音拨号
Voice-dial tag 声控标签
Voice dial-up 语音拨号
voice dial-up function 语音拨号功能
Voice Speed Dial 赛微语音快速拨号 ; 快速语音拨号 ; 语音拨号软件
Voice-Guided Dial Keypad Programming 语音导引电话输入设定
The same way you would when using any other headset (dial the number on the phone or use voice command).
没有人找你时,也可以按一下进行语音呼叫。 我们为你的手机带来了新的视野,重新定义了你对手机的期望!
Love a person is to dial the phone, suddenly do not know what to say, just want to hear the familiar voice, but really want to listen to the heart of a string!
Once you dial, your VXML application should pick up, and let you know (in an unexciting mechanical voice) that "Things are working correctly!
拨号后,您的 VXML 应用程序应获取号码,并让您知道(用一种单调机械的声音):“Things are working correctly!