A fatalistic warning 宿命的警讯 ; 宿命的警告 ; 一个致命的警告 ; 宿命的警钟
Should wear a warning 应该带上警告 ; 可能带着警告
A Global Warning 世界警告
a warning 警告 ; 第二十六章 ; 一个警告
a warning of 警告 ; 警告……存在 ; 警告…存在 ; 警告…存在…
A warning to others 以儆效尤
sound a warning 发出警告
let off with a warning 给予警告就放了
Suddenly without warning a large deer came over the hill and was standing looking straight at me.
Warning: a warning message indicates a potential problem in the system.
The REFRESH TABLE statement returns a warning, a reminder that the "integrity of non-incremental data remains unverified."
REFRESH table语句返回一条警告,提示说“ integrity of non - incremental data remains unverified ”。